Here's our home school curriculum list for 6th grade. If you want to see what we used for younger grades, click here. Again, a hodge-podge of mostly classical curriculum, looking towards hitting things we've missed in the past & trying to teach as many things together with my 4th & 6th graders.
Math: Saxon Math 7/6
Reading: American classics & Memoria or Veritas lit guides
Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing TWSS & US History-based writing
Spelling: Spelling Workout G
Vocabulary: Vocab from spelling, science, Latin derivatives
History: Story of the World/ History of US (supplementing IEW writing)
Geography: Memorizing countries of the world with Animaniacs song:)
Bible/Catechism: Truth and Grace Memory Book 1 Verses
Science: Apologia Astronomy
Latin: Vocab review & memorize prayers from Prima Latina
Logic: Building Thinking Skills 2 (continued) & book 3