7 months ago, our package of documents left DC to Ethiopia. When the man at FedEx asked if we wanted to insure the package, and how much it was worth, i said, "Well about 6 months and $10,000. you better not lose it!". DH apologized and tried to explain to the bewildered fellow about the adoption, and that his dear wife is the one who has "lost it". This period of waiting has made me a little crazy, a little pensive, and very hungry for treats. I have been contemplating what the day of our referral will be like, what meeting her will be like, and what i should say to her when i meet our little girl for the first time. how do you explain the kind of love that we already have for her? it reminds me of
jeremiah 31.3: "i have loved you with an everlasting love". it is as if a strong wind, flowing over the continent, over the ocean that divides us, has whispered into our ear, into our heart her name, the sound of her breathing, her cry, the smell of her hair, the feel of her eyelashes against our cheek while she sleeps. "i have loved you with an everlasting love." one day we will see her, and the pain of waiting will be over. but for today, we are still waiting and hoping that that day will come quickly. (at least we have the sounds of little boys pretending to burp to distract us.)